2010年8月4日 星期三

King & Country 納粹德國 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 戰鬥機

King and Country 最近發行了不少以第二次世界大戰為題材的新玩具。今次介紹納粹德國空軍的Focke-Wulf Fw190戰鬥機。這是單人駕駛戰鬥機,在1941年出廠,用作空戰、護航、地面攻擊,甚至夜間作戰,共出現了9個變種。不少國家也有使用這款戰機,包括西班牙、匈牙利、法國、羅馬尼亞、土耳其。曾有一架Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A -8型戰機送往日本作飛機研究,影響了日本Ki-60型戰機的引擎設計。

這次出品的戰鬥機上的標誌展現德國空軍皇牌駕駛員Major Heinz Bar。機腹上不是安裝了炸彈,而是一個額外燃料缸。King & Country 預算只生產750架。


3 則留言:

  1. 笨啦啦7/8/10 15:19

    其實呢d 係唔係你d珍藏黎架?
    [版主回覆08/07/2010 17:25:00]大部份的介紹都是我擁有.

  2. Soldier:

  3. Found some technical errors on the FW190  The biggest thing that stands out right away is the tail. The model is supposed to be an FW 190A-7 and a personal mount of Heinz Bär when he was with JG1. However, the tail is that of an earlier pre-A-4 model type with the older flush antenna fairing. Also the armoured head rest for the pilot is missing.
    I payed just SGD$270 for my FW 190 . And I no longer have the time, space, and patience for making models. As this is the best large scale diecast FW 190 I have ever seen I can overlook a few flaws and still happily own it.
    Despite this, it has not stopped me from owning it as it does make a gorgeous addition to the K&C collection, and I look forward to ME109 and other....
    [版主回覆02/19/2011 18:41:00]真有研究!
